Friday, October 19, 2012

Job Number Two

I now have a second job! Kind of. I got hired to work for two weeks teaching one 3 hour class per day, 5 days a week. I wish it was for longer than two weeks, but I'm not picky. The school is called the Australia center, and it offers English classes and helps Thais study abroad in Australia. Teaching there has been really good, the classes only have at most five students, so I can really get to know them and work closely with each one everyday. It's nice to have work to do every morning to give my day some structure. I am also teaching at the same job at the Buddhist temple, which is also going well, apart from the fact I only teach there three hours a week. I'm building lots of experience and connections, so hopefully something good will come up when the schools reopen from break at the end of October.

I still hang out with Maht a lot, he seems to love taking me places and practicing his English. We went bowling last week with a friend of his from Bangkok, which was great fun. Those little Thai dudes can bowl! I only won one game out of about ten. Maht has also been taking me to various resturants around the city to try new food, which is good because when left to my own devices I usually just get Pad Thai where I know it's good. Last weekend Maht and I went on a business trip to a resort/experimental farm in the far north near the Burmese border. We stayed two nights, and Maht worked fixing equipment during the day, leaving me to do a little exploring and get some reading done. I guess the King and Queen of Thailand commissioned an agricultural study of this area because it is at high elevation in a cloud forest. Don't quote me on that. It was really beautiful, the mountains in Thailand are massive monoliths that jut out of the ground, forming extremely steep sides. These are covered in lush jungle vegetation, making them stunning to behold. I can see why this country is such of hub of international tourism.

A real teacher? 

It's nice having a class of only three students.

Australia Center Chiang Mai