Monday, September 10, 2012


I got a job! A friend of Mackenzie's called me and said she knew someone who was looking for an English teacher. After a short interview of me giving my best professional English teacher pitch, I was offered two classes a week as a trial, with more classes if they like my teaching. Sweet! The best part is that there is no contract to sign, I was told that if I found a better job than I could just quit, no problem. It pays $9.60 per hour, making it the highest paying job I've ever had! While this is slightly pathetic, keep in mind that I've never actually had a full time job. (must be doing something right in life)  The school is part of a Buddhist Temple, so some of the students will be monks, and I will be teaching barefoot. This will be interesting. Hopefully the job will be a good foot in the door to a full time position, either at this school or somewhere else. I start on Wednesday, wish me luck!

The Ping river. Definately reminds me of the Nung river in Apocalypse Now. 

Impressive cemetery at the temple.

Who wouldn't want to hire me?

I've been enjoying some nice sunsets through my window.


  1. With that getup, I'd hire you on the spot ;)

    Also, I stumbled upon a word that I think sums you up perfectly:

    Serendipitous: the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for

    ..send some of that serendipity my way!

  2. Yay! You even found a good paying job! That is awesome!! It sounds like it could be fun! It's pretty cool you will be teaching monks. I think they are going to love your teaching. I am jealous, this will be a wonderful adventure! Love the sunset pic.

  3. Congratulations!! I can just tell you're going to be a GRRRRREAT teacher, and they are going to enjoy you!!

  4. Since I have been reading your journal at spotty intervals and skipping ahead then steppinf back and reading older entries; its hard for me to decide which part of your adventure to add my comments to. Until I see you get to work barefoot. As I slip off my steel toe boots, drink my Wild Turkey and Squirt soda, I can't help but add my thoughts to the loving comments of both mother and sister. I always imagined yet never dreamed of the places you would Encounter, Fo. Your acceptance of adventure and Willingness to let the world take you to under its wing and fly you to each new chapter or page: thats something I cherish. I am proud we have been friends for so long, And I look forward to the next time we cross paths, to rekindle our lives and tell all the little or big happenings. Love you, brother.
